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August is the new September for Fall and Winter Planning! Here are Some Tips on How to Maximize Your

Get ready to "Rev" up your social media and online marketing plans. The past few years has shown "August is the new September" for businesses and marketers. What can you do to plan out your business goals now?

Many businesses depend on third and fourth quarter sales to make the year and here are some steps you can take NOW to be prepared for Fall, Back-to-School, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and more.

Social Media Get consistent. Mark your calendar, create an alert on your phone, but POST POST POST. The algorithms have changed on all social media sites, if you are not consistent in your postings, even those who "Like" your page will NOT see your message.

For example, do you have a business you frequent but haven't "Liked" or "Shared" in a while? Did you think they stopped posting or did you stop engaging? Take a look. You may be surprised, they have been there all along. This is even more important when it comes to your business. The social media sites make you pay for exposure now.

  • Plan on a Boost (Sponsored Ad) and/or Pay-per-Click Budget. Depending on your market reach, products, or business goals, Facebook will help you choose a budget, automatically. The boost area will populate with suggestions based on your location, and target audience.

  • Create interesting and engaging pictures and content. Explain your product or service in simple, concise ways. People don't have time to think anymore, you need to catch them NOW.

  • Add links to your products and to your website.

  • Take advantage of all the social media sites available and applicable to your business. Not every social media site is right for every business.

Email Marketing!!!!!

If I've said it 10,000 times, email marketing targets your existing customer base and is essential to your business. Do NOT send often, and make it compelling with a call-to-action when you do. Add coupons! Add offers! REMIND your customers of all of your services.

Plan out your email strategy.

  • Create an attractive template that is branded for your business. It's best when it looks like your website and social media sites for branding.

  • Make sure the Subject Line is catchy.

  • NEVER send an email on a Monday. The recipients simply have too many emails to catch up on.

  • Keep it short, to the point, with more great pictures and offers.

Prepare your Marketing Material Whether you need brochures or posters or need a new logo design, do it now. Before the rush. Do it right, hire who you need, find professional graphic designers, website developers, social media gurus, content writers, and brand experts.

Or call Local Social Media. Your One-Stop-Shop for all you online marketing needs. We understand you don't have the time or the expertise and offer fair pricing and years of experience. Read our testimonials and call 203-788-8252.

Local Social Media is ready for Fall and Winter. Is YOUR BUSINESS? We can help with personalized and affordable online marketing solutions.

There are many "marketing companies" coming out the woodwork claiming to be experts in Social Media. Local Social Media has helped grow well over 250 businesses. We are in the trenches with you. We do the work, every single day.

Call us today and learn more. 203-788-8252.

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